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Light Snatcher(Valonsieppaaja)

Finland · 2021
Director Charlotte Airas
Starring Juha Leiviskä, Katriina Blom, Anna-Leena Häkkinen, Katariina Kopsa
Genre Documentary

Light Snatcher dives deep into the intriguing architectural world of light and darkness, led by architect and academic Juha Leiviskä. The film takes a stroll into some of Leiviskä’s own creations, as well as Myyrmäki’s church and Vallila’s library, stopping by a few other international inspirations along the way. Through examples, calculations, and sketches, Leiviskä demonstrates the significance of light in architecture with such skill, that soon viewers can’t help but observe light as an ever-present saint who serves as the seamless crossing point between art and nature.

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