Your Company


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Sweden · 1960
1h 27m
Director Elsa Colfach
Starring Susanne Ulfsäter, Rosalie Börjesson, Philip Haglund, Arnold Stackelberg
Genre Drama

Susanne [Susanne Ulfsäter] is a young woman who lives with her parents, parents that don’t really give a toss about her and spend more time entertaining guests and complaining about their fair daughter and her appearance. Agitated by her parents hassle and moaning during their chic dinner parties, Susanne takes off to a café where a lad she’s attracted to, Olle [Arnold Stackelberg], is hanging out with his greaser mates. He invites her on a date the following evening during which they make out and drive way to fast – despite Susanne’s objections.

Stream Susanne

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