Your Company

Bold Emmett, Ireland's Martyr

· 1915
Director Sidney Olcott
Starring Valentine Grant, Sidney Olcott, Laurene Santley, P. H. O'Malley
Genre History, Drama

This play is enacted during the stormy days when Robert Emmett tried vainly to free Ireland. Con Daly loves Nora Doyle, who lives with her mother in a little cottage amid the hills and dales of old Erin. In a cave nearby the men who would free Ireland are making arms and ammunition. Robert Emmett visits them, and then goes into the enemy's camp disguised as a flute player, and returns safely. The constabulary visits a family and a riot starts, and as a result Major Kirk is shot. Desperately wounded, he is taken to the home of Mrs. Doyle. Nora and Con nurse him back to health.

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