Meet the Navy
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United Kingdom · 1946
1h 25m
Director Alfred Travers
Starring Lionel Murton, Margaret Hurst, John Pratt, Robert Goodier
Genre Comedy, Music, War
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During World War II, the Canadian Navy gathered a troupe of diverse performers (dancers, comedians, singers, musicians) from its ranks and sent them off to entertain their shipmates, and the show/revue ultimately played London's Hioopodrome. The acceptance was based more on wartime-London's appreciation of the gallantry of Britain's sons and daughters from over the seas than it was on the artistic value of the show or the talent of the performers. The film is a fictional/fact mixture of the adventures of the troupe members, and the ending, only part filmed in Technicolor, is primarily the Revue as seen at the Hippodrome.
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