Your Company

Annelie in the Depths of the Night(Annetje Lie in het Holst van de Nacht)

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Netherlands · 2004
1h 13m
Director Harrie Geelen
Starring Lotte Bronsveld, Truus Dekker, Paul Haenen, Franz Kubin
Genre Fantasy, Family, Animation, Drama

A young girl called Annetje Lie is staying with her grandmother for an undisclosed period after her father unceremoniously dropped her off and left. At night, Annetje disappears into a dream world in which her friend the Moon transports her back to her elderly home. There she gets into all sorts of nightmarish adventures with the King of Mice and the mysterious Heintje Vaar. Meanwhile, her grandmother is beginning to suspect Annetje might be seriously ill.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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