Your Company

Railroad(Железная дорога)

Russia · 2008
1h 45m
Director Aleksey Fedorchenko
Starring Sergey Belyaev, Viktor Terelya, Olga Degtyaryova, Pyotr Zaychenko

Comedy drama about two friends who steal a car of coal and want to sell it, for which they carry coal on an old steam locomotive on an abandoned railway. Despite the fact of the crime, his goals seem to be good: one of the thieves is a school principal who wants to make repairs in the classrooms and buy computers, and the second is a driver who went on an adventure with his son, in the hope that the seven — year-old Bear will talk. They had to take the driver with them — an old one, like the engine itself. The railway, which has not been used for many years, becomes for this eccentric company a path from the past to a bright, possibly future.

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