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I Want to Return Return Return

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Germany · 2020
Director Elsa Rosengren
Starring Elpiniki Saranti, Maria Kalach, Ramses Komuro Boubaker, Robert Hamill
Genre Documentary

I Want To Return Return Return combines fictional and non-fictional elements to depict the neighbourhood Wrangelkiez in Berlin. The people portrayed tell their life stories. One woman came to the neighbourhood a decade ago to work in Berlin’s still unfinished Brandenburger Airport, one man reminisces his childhood on a Tobacco farm in Kentucky, another speaks of an exceptional day in an otherwise monotonous workplace. These portraits are interwoven with the story of Elpi, a Greek woman who is waiting for the long overdue visit of an old important friend. The outcome of this mixture is a film which captures the lives and perspectives of some of Wrangelkiez’s most commanding citizens, while at the same time evoking the loss that change and time passing means for places and for people.

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