Your Company

Also, Hello Dolly(وأيضا هالو دوللي)

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Kuwait · 1974
2h 40m
Director Hasan Abduselam
Starring Abdulhussain Abdulredha, Shwikar, Ganem Al-Saleh, Mariam Al-Ghadhban
Genre Comedy

The subject of the play revolves around the Egyptian lady (Shweikar), who loves the wealthy Kuwaiti(Abd al-Hussein Abd al-Rida) who loves Lebanese sewing, so Shweikar puts all obstacles in order to keep the Kuwaiti from the Lebanese woman, so that she will eventually marry him. This is the subject of the play; Which is a model for commercial theater topics, which is not concerned with the subject or any issue other than ensuring the arrival of the public who pays for the ticket !!

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