Your Company

Winter Lake(Talvinen järvi)

Finland · 2020
Director Petteri Saario
Starring Antti Saario, Emika Saario
Genre Documentary, Family

“My friends can’t believe I go camping in winter. They think it’s crazy.” But 13-year-old Emika loves it. It’s just as beautiful as in summertime. “You just need a good tent, a sleeping bag and warm clothes.” In every school vacation, she and her cousin Antti, who is kind of like a big brother to Emika, go to the vast Saimaa Lake, an amazing nature reserve with thousands of islands, in Finland. You just have to see the magical frozen lake, woodpeckers in the snowy woods and fish beneath the ice, the starry sky and the Northern Lights to understand why Emika and Antti keep coming back here… A deeply engaging story about our true connection with nature.

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