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Rewinding, The Movie(Rebobinado, La Película)

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Argentina · 2018
1h 36m
Director Juan Francisco Otaño
Starring Matías Dinardo, Estefania Bavassi, Juan Carrasco, Fabio Taphanel
Genre Comedy

Alejandro, a 30-year-old man who dreams of a movie love, strongly believes that his bad luck in love is related to an event of the past. Year 98, the party of his best friend Mateo. Where was Magalí, his first love. he had everything planned, it would be super romantic, like in the movies, but, Rodrigo, helped by his followers, first conquers the girl, erasing any illusion of Alejandro's hear Never want something because it can be fulfilled Alejandro discovers a strange recorder with the power of transports him to the party of 98 for a limited time. Let's join Alejandro in this adventure to try to change his memory Can he achieve it?

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