Hampstead Theatre At Home: Tiger Country
· 2015
2h 0m
Director Nina Raine
Starring Ruth Everett, Souad Faress, Jenny Galloway, Nick Hendrix
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December is the busiest time of year for London’s hospitals. For one particular team it’s business as usual, even with the seasonal upsurge. Brian, the urology consultant, is audaciously trying to convince his superior, Mr Leffe, to swap irksome patients. Newcomer Emily has already discharged 5 people and it’s not even 10am. Her boyfriend James, a dishy doctor, is as usual engaged in charming his superiors – not to mention the eye-catching Rebecca. Feisty senior house officer Mark is wrestling with his bossy mentor Vashti to allow him to be more hands-on. And throughout it all, John, the cardiology registrar, simply can’t find a minute in the day to enjoy his roast turkey sandwich…
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