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Indonesia · 2011
1h 24m
Director Rizal Mantovani
Starring Donita, Marcel Chandrawinata, Kaditha Ayu, Arthur Brotolaras
Genre Drama, Romance
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Cindy, a provincial girl studying in Jakarta, tries to live on her own though her mother is worried that she will be deceived by men. Panji, who has the same birthday as Cindy, pretends to love Cindy but deserts her whenever convenient. Panji is a mystery to Cindy. Cindy is tortured but also curious. She believes her love is not unrequited. She’s sure Panji feels the same as she does, but why in the world does he always crush Cindy’s hope. Every time Cindy tries to rise and forget him, his image keeps on haunting her. But the guy even dashes all Cindy’s hopes.
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