Your Company

A Romantic Robbery(یک دزدی عاشقانه)

· 2016
1h 24m
Director Amir Shahab Razavian
Starring Farhad Aeish, Farzaneh Ghasemi, Levon Haftvan, Mehdi Hashemi
Genre Comedy, Romance

Two old-timer thieves, Kamal and Jamal who are released from prison after years, go to their accomplice - Essi - to get their share from their last robbery. But Essi has invested the money on a film and has played in it which was a complete failure. Despite their propensity for robbery, these two old men, have to do it again. But they have become too old to rob in a traditional way.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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