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Portugal · 2019
1h 21m
Director Margarida Cardoso
Starring Luísa Abram, Claudio Corallo
Genre Documentary
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Men and plants have always traveled together in a reciprocal relationship that - for better or for worse - has drastically transformed the world. The mythical cacao tree, native to the Amazon Basin, has spread throughout the world along the narrow equatorial belt. Planted on a large scale using forced labor, the history of cacao has always been linked to the dark side of industrial production and the greed of the mass markets. The director Margarida Cardoso ("The Murmuring Coast", "Yvone Kane", "Kuxa Kanema, the birth of Cinema", "Christmas 71") follows the path of his previous films, exploring and revealing the relations between the brutality of colonial history and its effects in the present.
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