Your Company

The Beautiful Beast(La belle bête)

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Canada (Quebec) · 2006
1h 50m
Director Karim Hussain
Starring Carole Laure, Caroline Dhavernas, Marc-André Grondin, David La Haye
Genre Drama, Thriller

La Belle Bête is a powerful study of the conflict between beauty and ugliness, hate and love. The story revolves around three main characters. At the center, Patrice, a beautiful but mindless youth stands gazing at his image in the water. Around him move his ugly sister Isabelle-Marie, and his frivolous mother Louise, the first lost in love and hate for her brother's beauty, the second seeing it as an adornment for herself. Into this small, obsessed universe come a blind boy and an elegant fop from the outside world. At once, the pattern breaks and events move forward into a terrifying denouement.

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