Your Company

Heartbreak House(Дом, где разбиваются сердца)

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Soviet Union · 1975
2h 57m
Director Valentin Pluchek, Viktor Khramov
Starring Georgi Menglet, Nina Arkhipova, Aleksandr Shirvindt, Anatoli Papanov
Genre Drama

September evening, an unusual ark house, resembling a ship in shape, for its owner, the gray-haired old man, captain Châtover, sailed the whole life through the seas. A strange house where people behave differently. Young beauty sisters reign in this house, beckoning true gentlemen, as the light of a lamp beckons moths. This house fences its inhabitants from the outside world. Talk about the meaning of life, home entertainment, hopeless novels. And a premonition of trouble: at the same time, clouds of the First World were gathering over the good old England ...

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