Your Company

Queen of the China Sea(東支那海の女傑)

Japan · 1959
1h 20m
Director Yoshiki Onoda
Starring Miyuki Takakura, Shigeru Amachi, Toshio Hosokawa, Shinsuke Mikimoto
Genre Adventure, Drama

Rika, a manageress of a night club is about to be arrested on suspicion of smuggling. However, she escapes through the assistance rendered her by First Lieutenant Yokoyama of the Japanese Naval Commander's Office. After the end of war, Yokoyama plans to escape from riot-ridden Amoy and finally succeeds with the help of Rika to whom he gives a destroyer. Rika is actually the leader of a gang of pirates, and plans to rule the East China Sea by crushing Banryu, her rival.

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