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Alien: Covenant - Prologue: Crew Messages

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United Kingdom, United States · 2017

Starring Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup, Tess Haubrich, Demián Bichir

Crew Messages are a series of five transmissions recorded by members of the Covenant's crew for broadcast home to their families. The videos were released through YouTube in two batches as part of the viral marketing campaign for Alien: Covenant — those recorded by Daniels and Oram were released on April 17, 2017, while the remainder, by Rosenthal, Lopé and Tennessee, were released three days later on April 20. Cast: Daniels .... Katherine Waterston Oram .... Billy Crudup Rosenthal .... Tess Haubrich Lopé .... Demián Bichir Tennessee .... Danny McBride

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