The Dancing Spirit of Karawang(Arwah Goyang Karawang)
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Indonesia · 2011
1h 26m
Director Helfi C.H. Kardit
Starring Dewi Persik, Julia Perez, Erlando, Ajeng Kraton
Genre Horror
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Lilis returns to her old profession as dancer in the Goyang Krawang jaipong troupe after leaving to get married to Aji. But Aji's unemployment has made the return necessary. Lilis' comeback brings a huge turn out to see the troupe. As the primadonna of the group, Neneng feels threatened by Lilis' return. Lilis' ability to shake the stage and draw money from the audience, makes the pub owner, Pak Awal, replace Neneng as the primadonna. Now, the competition between the two is getting more intense.
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