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Liberdade para José Diogo

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Portugal · 1976
1h 8m
Director Luís Galvão Teles
Starring José Diogo, Margarida Carpinteiro, Pedro Efe
Genre Documentary, TV Movie

The film documents two phases of an incident occurred in Portugal, during the 1974 revolution. In September 30, 1974, José Diogo, a tractor driver, kills his boss, Columbano Líbano Monteiro, after being dismissed from his job, when he claimed his right to work. He is imprisoned in Beja, Alentejo, and he is freed until prossecution. The courts are reluctant to judge him, because of the social unrest and the political aid Diogo is receiving from trade unions and political parties. A crowd will disrupt the court, in Tomar, and conduct a popular judgement in the hall of the tribunal, deciding to free Diogo, and condemning the boss, posthumously, for dismissing his employee and attacking him. The case became a law case study since then.

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