Your Company


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Sweden · 1980
1h 25m
Director Hans Dahlberg
Starring Teddy Rhodin, Marrit Ohlsson, Stefan Wånggren, Birger Åsander
Genre Fantasy, Family

Three city kids are taken somewhat reluctantly to a farm out in the forests of Sweden. There they meet the resident country kids who's rosy cheeks and youthful antics mirror the apathy and cynicism of the children grown up in the callous and barren streets of the city. In the country, strange and mysterious things are afoot. Sudden fires, cars braking down and enigmatic sightings point to there being more than the modern man fathoms in the woods. People talk of trolls and beings in the woods, guardians of the land, but the grown ups do not believe and the cynical city children say such talk is nonsense.

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