Your Company

Thys & Trix

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South Africa · 2018
1h 36m
Director Quentin Krog
Starring Leandie du Randt, Bouwer Bosch, Brendon Daniels, Carine Rous
Genre Action, Drama

Thys and Trix are siblings and eager yet helpless police officers. Their constant feud results in their expulsion after it causes yet another embarrassment for the police service. Detective Solomons is investigating the activities of a crime syndicate in an exclusive golf estate outside Mossel Bay. Due to their ‘vanilla’ looks, Thys and Trix are singled out for the first time as the most competent team to lead an investigation. However, the fact that they must pretend to be a married couple to make the investigation credible complicates the situation. Solomons has to accompany them but isn’t happy that he’ll be their butler. Are any of Thys and Trix’s new neighbours perhaps involved with the production and distribution of MTHC, a paralysing hallucinogenic?

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