Your Company


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India · 1989
2h 37m
Director Ameerjan
Starring Rajinikanth, Raghuvaran, Shobana, Sowcar Janaki
Genre Action, Drama

The film begins with Rajinikanth and Raghuvaran as kids, they are close friends like their fathers, in spite of their religious differences, one being Hindu and other Christian. A villain kills their families except Rajinikanth, Raghuvaran and Raghuvaran's mother, but Raghuvaran does not knows that Rajinikanth and his mother were alive and vice versa. 20 years later, Rajinikanth falls in love with Shobana and marries her. Raghuvaran is a hired goon who will do only good deeds. Raghuvaran is hired by the same villain to kill Rajinikanth and during the fight both get injured and finally they come to know that they are childhood friends. Eventually, both of them unite and fight the bad guy who killed their family.

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