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Cheka Commissar Miroschtschenko(Tscheka-Kommissar Miroschtschenko)

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Estonia · 1925
1h 18m
Director Paul Sehnert
Starring Eduard Pütsep, Kalju Raag, Valentine Vassiljeva, Ella Silber
Genre Drama

The Soviet Russia of 1920s. A group of Estonians, including young woman Agnes and her mother, Agnes’s friend engineer Karl Raudsepp and his fiancee Erna, are waiting for permission to return to Estonia. Love, however, won’t ask about people’s plans, poor conditions nor general atmosphere of violence. The mutual feelings between Karl and Agnes make Erna so jealous that she will make a false complaint about Agnes to Cheka. Agnes’s beauty hypnotizes both Tchekist Commissar Miroschtschenko and secret agent Hevelyn – both of them make up their minds that they must win the girl’s heart.

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