Your Company

National Geographic- Arabia: Sand, Sea & Sky

· 1991
1h 20m
Director Michael McKinnon
Genre Documentary

Take A Spectacular Journey. It Starts Right Here... Arabia: Sand, Sea & Sky Take a stunning tour of Arabia's natural world- a land of vivid contrast and splendor. Your journey begins in the magnificent coral reefs of the Red Sea where barracuda, giant mantra rays, and sharks comb the fertile waters. Then, high in the cliffs of the great mountain barrier, you will be fascinated by the complex social behavior of a troop of baboons. As you descend into the foothills, thousands of migrating birds converge, including the flamboyant Abyssinian Roller which will dazzle you with its brilliant feathers and swooping aerobatic dives. Finally, travel by camel across the immense sculptured desert, as the Bedouins have for more than thirty-five hundred years on an expedition you will never forget in ARABIA: SAND, SEA, & SKY.

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