Your Company

Home for Christmas(Jouluksi kotiin)

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Finland · 1975
1h 29m
Director Jaakko Pakkasvirta
Starring Paavo Pentikäinen, Irma Martinkauppi, Tuija Ahvonen, Aapo Vilhunen
Genre Drama

Construction worker Urho Suomalainen, his factory-worker wife Sirkka, and their two school-age children dream about getting away from their cramped rental apartment and moving to a house of their own. Urho decides to build one from scratch, starting from hauling trees from the forest to the sawmill. As the building progresses, a serious fault is discovered in its foundations. The family also has problems with their mortgage. Urho develops pneumonia and passes away before he sees his house completed. At his grave, a fellow worker gives a powerful speech praising socialism.

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