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Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press

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Netherlands, United States · 2017
1h 35m
Director Brian Knappenberger
Starring Hulk Hogan, Donald Trump, Nick Denton, James G Wright
Genre Documentary

The documentary features two high-profile court cases regarding the effect of big money on American journalism. One involves superstar wrestler Hulk Hogan's lawsuit against Gawker Media for releasing a sex tape involving him. The other focuses on casino owner Sheldon Adelson's secret purchase of the Las Vegas Review Journal.

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Los Angeles Times by

Nobody Speak drifts at times and lacks sweep and historical perspective. But it is a troubling foreshadowing of things to come if journalists are threatened, sidelined or attacked by powerful institutions and people more concerned with their own interests than what’s best for the country or communities.


Consequence of Sound by Dominick Suzanne-Mayer

While the connections Knappenberger draws between private and government corruption are sometimes belabored, they’re also accurate, and a stark reminder of the increasing popularity of “bought” news.


TheWrap by Elizabeth Weitzman

Brian Knappenberger’s urgent new documentary Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press is the sort of movie that impacts your viewpoint long after it ends.


The Film Stage by John Fink

Knappenberger crafts a compelling and infuriating tale of big money flouting freedom of speech in an era where freedom of speech (thanks in part to social media) has become more democratized and, perhaps, more dangerous than ever.


IndieWire by Michael Nordine

A film about the vital importance of speaking truth to power needn’t be so concerned with dressing up its own frightful truths, but Nobody Speak still compels as an opening statement on journalism’s dubious future.


The Guardian by Peter Bradshaw

This documentary is an invigorating, disturbing portrait of the arrogance and sinister self-importance of rich people, bullying politicians and their battalions of lawyers.


Movie Nation by Roger Moore

Nobody Speak is a little unbalanced, and top-heavy, thanks to the overwhelming focus on the more murky Gawker trial.

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