The Swing of the Coffin Maker(Die Schaukel des Sargmachers)
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Germany · 2012
Director Elmar Imanov
Starring Shamil Suleymanli, Gurban Ismailov, Elmar Imanov, Zulfiyye Qurbanova
Genre Drama
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Azerbaijan. Yagub lives with his adult son Musa in a small house in a desolate place. They lead a solitary life. Musa, mentally disabled and limited in his motor skills, assists his father with his work. Yagub is a carpenter and earns his money especially with coffins, which he carpenters for Georgians and Russians. Whenever being confronted with the clumsiness of his son he often reacts indignantly – with beating. When Musa is diagnosed with a deadly illness, the emotional numbing of the father slowly dissolves as he tries to make the last days of his son as enjoyable as possible – until Sabir delivers a surprising message.
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