Your Company


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1h 20m
Director Lawrence Coté-Collins

In Split, Anick, a social worker-turned-documentary-filmmaker, has moved into the modest home of Scott and Jessie in Destor, Québec, with the intention of making a movie about Scott’s social reintegration following a life lived in and out of prison. Now in his 50s, he’s on the straight and narrow after having fallen head over heels for Jessie, who is more than 20 years younger than him. Equally eccentric, Jessie is obsessed with collecting dolphin figures, while Scott spends his free time working on 3D puzzles. The couple seems very happy, and Anick’s camera is drawn to their special relationship. But as the shoot continues and the filmmaker starts to wear out her welcome, Anick’s presence begins to cause tension between the two subjects, especially as her attraction to Jessie becomes more and more apparent. Overstepping her boundaries as a filmmaker, she starts to roll the camera even when her subjects are unaware.

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