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The Accordionist's Wedding(La boda del acordeonista)

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Colombia · 1986
1h 34m
Director Luis Fernando Bottia
Starring Orangel Maestre, Iris Oyola, Natalia Caballero, Rosalba Goenaga
Genre Fantasy, Romance

This story is a great sample of the magical realism expressed by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the cultural and folkloric wealth of the Caribbean region of Colombia. The film is valuable due to music, but in performance it is not the best thing. I believe that the promotion to the seventh art in Colombia and to our wealth must be increased and this type of films must take control of greater budget, weak point of this one. The Vallenato music is exclusive of the Caribbean region of Colombia and the letters and notes of Adolfo Pacheco, Andrés Landero and Luis Martinez, among others offers a sample of beauty and intelligence. This must be explored and be operated so that the humanity knows the art of Colombia. by jetm76-1

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