Sketches of Siberia
Netherlands · 2016
1h 14m
Director Ben van Lieshout
Genre Documentary
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In 1913, polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen took part in an expedition, to open up a regular trade connection between Norway and the interior of Siberia. His fascinating diary, Through Siberia, The Land of the Future, is an important inspiration for Sketches of Siberia, in which elements from Siberia’s past, and present are visualised, focussing on the mighty Yenisey river basin. Within themes such as colonialism, exploitation of mineral resources, and demographic developments i.e. the destiny of native people and the influx of convicts and exiles, we search for the human dimension balancing precariously amid the influences from outside. Nansen’s observations and considerations at the time, are mirrored in a present day context.
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