Your Company

Hôtel La Louisiane

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Canada (Quebec) · 2015
1h 29m
Director Michel La Veaux
Starring Simone de Beauvoir, Miles Davis, Juliette Gréco, Jean-Paul Sartre
Genre Documentary

Hôtel La Louisiane is, at its core, a film about freedom and dignity. Freedom for those who wish to live in a place where they are able to feel inspired. Dignity for the hotel owner to stand by his promise to his father and keep their mission alive: to provide an affordable sanctuary for artists and students in search of fulfilling employment, which they certainly won’t find at other hotels. Freedom, too, to be in an environment of tolerance and rid of prejudice. This film is not just a story about a mythical setting in Paris; it portrays the microcosm of a lifestyle in which collective values reign supreme. A film where what’s real and true is placed above national borders or cultural barriers.

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