Your Company

Sarah's Last Man(L'ultimo uomo di Sara)

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Italy · 1974
1h 55m
Director Maria Virginia Onorato
Starring Rosemary Dexter, Oddo Bracci, Glauco Onorato, Verena Baer Volonté
Genre Thriller

With her marriage and her life disintegrating before her eyes, in this Italian political thriller, Sarah (Verena Volonte) has made a detailed filmed record of it all. Not only that, she made a film of the man who flung bombs into a political demonstration and she is killed for her effort. The story unravels as Sarah's husband, who is suspected of being her murderer, views the film on a moviola. He is trying to figure out what happened and why his wife died. Because he has the film which would expose the murderer and the political forces behind him, his life is also in danger

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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