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The Jinn in Microdistrict(Cin mikrorayonda)

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Soviet Union · 1986
1h 15m
Director Ogtay Mirgasimov
Starring Otkam Isgandarov, Rashid Mahmudzadeh, Nataliya Taghiyeva, Tofig Mirzayev
Genre Comedy, Science Fiction, Music

The events in the film take place in one of the modern cities. The editor-in-chief Rustam Agayev (Egit Iskenderov) finds an ancient lamp placed in the jaw. For the talented but poor character Rustam, this lamp shatters the sky. With the help of jinn, the young man suceeds: his play is made on anchor; his girlfriend, Maya (Natalia Tagiyeva), agrees to marry him, and the bar is in the apartment. But Rustam wants to achieve everything. When the jinn throws away his "owner," he unveils the secret: a person must believe in his own power, and there must be a strong desire to create miracles.

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