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Finland · 1928
1h 44m
Director Wilho Ilmari, Axel Slangus
Starring Urho Somersalmi, Ellen Sylvin, Mary Hannikainen, Kirsti Suonio
Genre Comedy

“Tukkijoella” (Log River – 1928). Films of this genre gave the Finnish cinema and the viewing public one of its most popular characters – the lumberjack (tukkijatka, tukkipoika, tukkilainen) who at his most heroic hour becomes the log-roller or the shooter of rapids (koskenlaskija). The significance of this character in Finnish film is comparable to that of the Cowboy on American cinema. He is the pioneer, the wanderer, the adventurer. He negotiates the frontier, he is an embodiment of the conflict between wilderness and civilization.

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