Your Company

Haloa - The Feast of the Whores(Haloa - praznik kurvi)

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Yugoslavia · 1988
1h 42m
Director Lordan Zafranović
Starring Neda Arnerić, Ranko Zidarić, Stevo Žigon, Dušica Žegarac
Genre Drama

A married couple from Germany, middle-aged Manfred and his much younger wife Meyra, who are originally from Zagreb, spend their vacation on the island Hvar. They are staying at Ms. Marija's house. Ms. Marija's son and Meyra feel an erotic attraction to each other. After some time, a tension develops between the young man, Meyra and Manfred. Nobody knows Meyra's secret, or her true reason for coming to Hvar.

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