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What Goes Around

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New Zealand · 2008
Starring Joshua Wynniatt, Nathan Tomlinson

What Goes Around is a short film directed by Alex Gilbert and staring Billy Harper. This story is about a guy called Levi who tries to find his way in life ,and he dosent get along in his city or family so he decides to leave home and try to find his way around life by sleeping on a bench in the middle of the park and by looking for food while people don't know about his whearabouts. One day while he is walking through the park he gets angry at a local (Played by Alex Gilbert) and who pushes around and the local gets home and finds that the news people are looking for him in the city. Levi is in town and sees "Wheres Levi" posters around the city. He also finds a bracelet which he keeps but he does not know that the bracelet will get him back with his life.

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