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The Liberation of Prague(Osvobození Prahy)

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Czechoslovakia, East Germany · 1977
2h 20m
Director Otakar Vávra
Starring Vladimír Šmeral, František Vicena, Josef Větrovec, Ota Sklenčka
Genre Drama, War, History

On 20th of April 1945 the Soviet army launches its attack on Berlin. The end has come for Nazi Germany and Hitler decides to commit suicide. In Prague K.H. Frank (Nazi Secretary of State and Chief of police in the Protectorate of Bohemia a Moravia) discusses with his commanders how to transform the city into an impregnable fortress, but the Praguers do not intend to wait any longer. From the early hours of 4th of May people start assembling in the streets and tearing down German signs. On the next day, the 5th of May, the uprising begins.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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