Your Company

Home Away(Vakantie in eigen land)

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Netherlands · 2011
1h 16m
Director Hanro Smitsman
Starring Lottie Hellingman, Amalia Yuno, Max van den Burg, Gianni Janzen
Genre Family

Joep is on the verge of bankruptcy. That is why this year the family holiday is no luxurious stay in Portugal, but a simple domestic getaway. In fact the getaway even means a flight from Joep’s criminal clients. With his wife Claire and daughter Saskia, Joep stays in an old cabin at a declining campsite. Across from them a Sinti family settles in. Whereas Claire and Joep are not particularly keen on getting in touch with the family, something beautiful blooms between Saskia and Dukker, the son of the Sintis.

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