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Angel of Darkness 4(淫獣教師 IV 実写版)

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Japan · 1996
1h 16m
Director Mitsunori Hattori
Starring Mitsuki Sho, Chiyuri Matsuda, Sosaku Sasairi, Kayo Shiina

This time around, the demon is trapped inside sexy but wholesome schoolgirl Izumi, but is unable to get up to its usual tricks (rampant orifice invasion) thanks to the crucifix that she wears around her neck. Out to locate and destroy the monster are a nun and a priest, but their efforts are hampered by Izumi's evil protector Sakiko, who does her best to help the girl realise her true tentacle-thrashing potential (and, in a Carrie-style side story, also settle the score with a group of nasty school bullies who have been making Izumi's life hell).

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