Your Company

Shadow Play

· 2013


Mike Nelson (Kurt Mattsen)is a young aspiring actor who is introduced by a friend to a mysterious gentleman named Mr. Christian (John Crowther). Mr. Christian explains he has a grant to research ang quantify creativity. What seperates an ordinary painter from Picasso, an ordinary scribe from Fitzgerald, etc. and what if one could harness and tap into that creativity?In exchange for Mike's participation he is promised an entree into the theatre world as Mr. christian can call upon his wide array of connections in the art world due to his studies thus far. All Mike has to do is watch and read some videos and essays he's been given and respond with some sort of improvizational monologue. Things begin well enough for Mike as he has been called back on some auditions, however, the materials he has been presented leave a lasting an unwanted impression. He feels he may even be programmed somehow.

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