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Solving The Inequality

· 2014


Xpose The Gap is proud to announce the release of this innovative and captivating documentary, 'Solving the Inequality'. Solving the Inequality, a documentary by filmmaker, Jameel Pugh, and producer, Dr. Richard Callahan that tells the powerful story of Dr. Raj's remarkably effective strategy and techniques for transforming the academic outcomes of students in urban classrooms. Dr. Rajagopal determined to be the difference in the lives of these students, against all odds, he started the C.R.E.A.T.E Academy Instructional Model as a pilot program in 2011 to significantly raise the bar of achievement for the lowest performing incoming 9th Graders. "I am launching a revolution to transform my urban school into a college-going powerhouse," says Dr. Rajagopal. In three years, C.R.E.A.T.E students have shown strong signs of growth in the classroom. A film of inspiration, hope and practical steps for teachers, parents and students faced with the inequalities of urban public education.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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