Your Company

Sleeping Bride(ガラスの脳)

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Japan · 2000
1h 40m
Director Hideo Nakata
Starring Risa Goto, Hiroki Kohara, Takaaki Enoki, Yûko Natori
Genre Drama, Romance

Sleeping Bride is the story of a girl, Yumi, who since birth, has never been awake. A boy called Yuuichi finds the girl in the hospital while he is a patient there. A nurse remarks that the girl is 'Sleeping Beauty', and Yuuichi believes that a kiss from a prince will wake her, just like the story. Yuuichi returns to see Yumi every day, says 'Wake up, I'm the prince' and kisses her. Ten years later he restarts his daily ritual to see Yumi, one day she wakes up.

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