Your Company

W.E.T - One Live in Stockholm

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· 2014

Starring Jeff Scott Soto, Robert Säll, Erik Mårtensson
Genre Music

On January 17th 2013, W.E.T. played an exclusive show at the Debaser Club in Stockholm, Sweden to celebrate the release of their sophomore album, Rise Up. Featuring Robert Säll (the W from Work of Art), Erik Mårtensson (the E from Eclipse) and Jeff Scott Soto (the T from Talisman), W.E.T showcased songs from the then forthcoming album Rise Up as well as from the critically acclaimed self-titled 2009 debut album. A truly exquisite performance, where the band played many fan favorites including two Talisman songs, as well as one song each from Eclipse and Work of Art. The Eclipse song was Bleed & Scream which was sung by Erik Martensson and the Work Of Art song was The Great Fall where the band were joined by Lars Säfsund, lead singer W.O.A. The show was filmed and recorded for a live CD / DVD release, which also includes two unreleased bonus tracks, studio cuts taken from the Rise Up sessions.

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