Your Company

Big, Bigger & Bigger(โตแล้วต้องโต๋)

Thailand · 1992
1h 43m
Director Phirasin Sathaporn
Starring Jirayut Wattanasin, Pattamaporn Pinthong, Parada Boonmee, Moris K
Genre Comedy

Angrit is a single handsome guy who has to take care of his niece because her parents passed away. Often there are times where they don't get along, but one day they finally decides for a truce in order to put an end to their disputes. Angrit likes Miew, who is deaf. When his niece finds out about Miew she instantly rejects her and the adults must make her understand their love.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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