Your Company

Waitresses Wanted(Serveuses Demandées)

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Canada (Quebec) · 2008
1h 50m
Director Guylaine Dionne
Starring Clara Furey, Janaina Suaudeau, Anne Dorval, Colm Feore
Genre Action, Thriller

Brazilian native Priscilla Paredes is intent on staying in Montreal, despite the expiration of her student visa. Out of desperation, she takes a job as an exotic dancer at the Elixir, a downtown strip club, where she meets Milagro, a headstrong Quebecoise and fellow dancer who, ironically, longs to move to Brazil. Priscilla is welcomed into Milagro's secret family life, and introduced to her young daughter Chloé; Milagro in turn teaches Priscilla how to fight for what she wants, for what she needs.

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