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The Tree We Hurt(Το δέντρο που πληγώναμε)

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Greece · 1986
1h 15m
Director Dimos Avdeliodis
Starring Yannis Avdeliodis, Nikos Mioteris, Marina Delivoria, Katerina Kyriakodi
Genre Drama

Shot over a capricious summer, this film reveals a world of innocence shattered for some children in their school by corporal punishment. It moves at its own pace to reveal a world of children and adults with animals, birds, nature and sea. The film bears a strong imprint of Greek identity with old chairs, priests with black robes and old dilapidated houses. Dimos Avdeliodis shows that children are not just made for mischief as they are shown to earn money in the form of coins which they earn by carrying the cross during funerals. As the children's gang grows bigger, there is a marked increase in the intensity of their mischievous behavior.For example : a hilarious scene is about how small children run for cover after having hurled mud cakes smeared with urine on wasps. The entire film is replete with scenes of this kind but in the end getting beaten by elders for waywardness and experiences of first love might be counted by viewers as their favorite moments of this film.

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