Your Company

Game of Love(Aşk Geliyorum Demez)

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Turkey · 2009
1h 42m
Director Murat Şeker
Starring Tolgahan Sayışman, Bergüzar Korel, Zeki Alasya, Altan Erkekli
Genre Action, Comedy

For decades Ismail (Zeki Alasya) and his brother Miran (Altan Erkekli) operated shops in a modest marketplace, managing to support their families with the profits. Ali (Tolgahan Sayisman), Ismail's playboy son, plans to woo Gözde (Bergüzar Korel). Soon, however, Ali begins to genuinely fall in love with her, and the feeling is mutual. Unfortunately he has told his sweetheart a stack of lies to win her affection and is certain she would run away upon his confession. Somehow, he must either make a clean break from this magnificent woman or win her heart through honesty.

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