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Marijka the Unfaithful(Marijka nevěrnice)

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Czechoslovakia · 1934
1h 13m
Director Vladislav Vančura
Starring Anna Škelebejová, Andrej Kišť, Jaksiňa Djordjajová, Mikola Skira
Genre Drama

“The Carpathians are medieval!” one character bellows, and this tale of the tree-chopper Petro, his faithless wife Marijka, and various scheming businessmen and foremen does little to disprove the assertion. Interestingly filmed with a nonprofessional cast recruited from the region, Faithless Marijka may have a neorealist conceit, but its direction is utterly futuristic, filled with the lightning-fast montage techniques and low-angle camera of the Soviet avant-garde (along with its invigorating agitprop).

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