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Festive Nuremberg(Festliches Nürnberg)

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Germany · 1937
Director Hans Weidemann
Starring Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring
Genre Documentary

Said to pick up where "Triumph of the Will" left off, this film showcases highlights of the Nazi Party rallies in Nüremberg in 1936 and 1937. The main focus of the film begins with extended footage of the Gothic splendor of Nüremberg from the air, Hitler's arrival at the airbase, his motorcade into the city, and the ensuing ceremonies. Other, much more propagandistic elements, are edited in; they include: past Nazi party marches and rallies, parachute drops, Wehrmacht exercises in the Zeppelin fields, random military formation night rallies and random shots of massed crowds, fireworks,torch lit marches, even live explosions.

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